Jewelry and the self
Posted by Silver Forte on Mar 9th 2018
Jewelry is undoubtedly personal. Something we place with such intimacy to our personal appearance inevitably carries much of the seething personality we have within us.
It is that intimate look we give to the mirror as we set out for the day - or the night.
is so much of our values, our beliefs, our pride and honor, our youth
and our present and our hopes for the future, held in that little
accessory we use to complete our appearance.
looking at the timeline of human history, can use jewelry to map
behaviors, thoughts, prominent ideals. Such work is evidence of the
value placed in jewelry in revealing intimate details of one’s
This is often a purely subconscious phenomenon. And in
this sense, the purchase and use of jewelry is often therapeutic. They
reveal to us what perhaps we feel we’ve been missing.
of the self is one of the most fulfilling experiences a human can
encounter, and much of the self remains a mystery, a puzzle. Much of the
thrill of life stems from piecing together the puzzle. Jewelry can
often provide a new piece, so that things become a little clearer, and
we gain new confidence in who we are.